This post was written by a member of the Debut Contributor Network. Seren Morris gives us her tips on creating a makeshift study space and working from home.
With the winter months fully upon us, getting out of bed is becoming a lot harder, never mind trekking to the library. Imagine if you could study from the comfort of your room? There are so many pros of working from home that are often outweighed by the potential for distraction. These are a few tips to help turn your bedroom into a study space, while avoiding the temptation of getting back into bed…
Tidy up
The first and most important step is to make sure your bedroom – and desk – are both clean and tidy. A clear space will allow you to concentrate on your work; and to not get distracted by those dishes that need taken to the kitchen or the clothes that need putting by. Set some time aside to clear and clean your workspace, it will make the actual studying a lot more pleasurable. Also, tidying up before studying could be a way to relax and clear your mind. Just be sure to not let tidying transform into procrastination. Concentrate!
Desk job?
Always work at your desk. While your bed might look cosy, it will make a nap far more tempting. Avoid your bed at all costs; no matter how warmly your duvet calls you over. Next, clear your desk of anything you don’t need. Set it up with only the necessities and you’re good to go. (Don’t get back into bed during your study breaks, either!)
Technology and social media are not your friends
Do not put something on Netflix as background noise, do not switch on the TV, and if you’re partial to checking Twitter every 5 minutes, put your phone out of sight. In fact, switch it off. Or, if you really lack the will power, there are browser extensions that ban certain websites for a set period of time. So, check Facebook one last time before placing a self-imposed ban over all social media platforms; I promise you won’t miss too much.
Get dressed
Just because you’re not leaving your house doesn’t mean you get to stay in your pyjamas all day, (sorry!) Getting dressed will make you feel more awake and productive. Treat working at your desk at home as if it were a desk in the library. You wouldn’t turn up to campus in your slippers, right? Also, getting into your dressing gown will make getting back into bed that bit more tempting. Wear comfy clothes, but under no circumstances should you get back into your pjs!
Leave the house first
Whether it’s to get a coffee, or just a walk around the block, leaving your house is so important. It will break up the journey from bed to desk, reducing the temptation of a cheeky five more minute snooze. If you have already faced the world outside, you will feel a lot more awake and prepared to work. When you come back, treat your bedroom like an office; sit down and get studying!
Utilise wall space
Use your walls to hang work schedules, notes, quotes or all of the above. If you are a visual learner, you could hang up study notes and prompts to help you while you work. You could also decorate your room with posters and photos that inspire you, to keep you going through long studying periods. If you feel happy and comfortable in your surroundings, writing that 3,000 word essay will seem a lot more bearable.
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