This post was written by an external contributor. Connor Gotto gives some good advice for anyone wishing to work on their social media presence online.
As much as we like to think of social media as a lighthearted way of keeping in touch with friends and an easy way of staying in the loop, it’s actually something that can make or break the chances of securing that dream job.
No, seriously!
Your online presence is SO important. It’s really a means for employers to ‘pre-assess’ you before they even meet you – if you do it wrong, it could be the reason that you don’t get to that all important interview stage. Your online you is, in effect, a ‘second you’.
It’s fairly simple to keep things sweet and make yourself look good online. Whilst an online presence is everything, it’s also important that you don’t let it get the better of you and end up misrepresenting your good intentions.
Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered! Here’s what you can do to maintain the optimum online presence and work towards that dream job.
Know where you want to be
It’s always important, when posting on social media, that you think of the future and where you ultimately want to be. We know it sounds like something your parents would say, but it’s true. Once you put it out there, you can’t get it back!
If you want to be a journalist, it’s good practice to write like a journalist. Comment on news articles that you are particularly interested in, and engage with other news reporters online.
A major part of working towards a career is making people believe that you are good enough, and are a suitable fit for the role. If you can embody the career that you’re headed towards, you’re halfway there.
Who are you writing to?
Another key factor to consider is who you’re writing to – or, more importantly, who might read your post!
Unless you have your privacy settings on lock down, who knows who could be reading what you post – a distant family member… a high school enemy… or, a future boss! You may think it’s unlikely, but it’s not unheard of.
Before you make any social media post, make sure you think of who might end up reading it. Remember: if you wouldn’t want your Grandmother to read it, don’t post it! This one just might save you, big time!
Boasting isn’t necessarily a bad thing!
We’re always being told to be modest about our achievements, but social media is the one place where you should be proud of your achievements! No, really…
We hate to bang on about it, but your social media is one of the first ways that prospective employers will get a flavour for you, and taking pride in your achievements is a good thing. Is they see someone who is hungry to do better, and strives to outdo themselves each time, they’re likely to want to meet you in person.
So, boast away, and don’t be apologetic!
Know your industry
Another key point when asserting your online presence is to know your industry. And, that means knowing the job you ultimately want.
Our advice is to follow the leaders in your industry and watch how they post. It’s not copying, it’s just observation, and it could really benefit you!
If you know the rules and the ideals, you’ll be able to build up a profile that suits your chosen industry. That way, you’ll pass the first test and sail through to the next round.
Curation is key
So, I guess what we’re saying is that curation is key.
We know how easy it is to write a drunk post, or send something in the heat of the moment… but, don’t!
Give each post thought, and make sure that you’re happy with it before you send it. That way, you’re less likely to run into trouble, and can feel more assured that you’ll be lucky in your job hunt!
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