Lifestyle 31.07.24 (Updated)

How to freshen up your room (and bank balance)

Trying to declutter our rooms is boring and long - but it’s time for a clear out, and here's how to do it and save yourself some ВЈВЈВЈ as well.

Career Storyteller, Master Resume Writer, Interview Coach


This post was written by an external contributor. Connor gives his tips on how to de-clutter your room and top up your bank balance at the same time.

With April well underway, we’re all eagerly anticipating Spring (let’s ignore the recent snow and April showers, yeah?! Happy, sunny thoughts people…)

And we all know what April means: Spring wardrobes. But trying to de-clutter our rooms is boring, and long, and did we say boooooring?!

Well, it’s time for a clear out – and we don’t just mean a trip to the rubbish dump. We sit on hundreds of pounds worth of clutter pushed to the back of drawers or on the top shelves of wardrobes, so here are my top tips on how to clear out your clutter and make few extra bucks while you do it…

Be thorough

There’s nothing worse than a half-hearted clear out. It’s pointless and results in you missing half the stuff you need to get rid of. Remember, the things that you really don’t need (and are probably worth the most) will be behind all the things you do use.

Go cupboard to cupboard, drawer to drawer, wardrobe to wardrobe, and so on. This way, you’ll see everything that you own, and breaking it into manageable chunks will make the task a whole lot easier.

“When did I last use it?”

I love a good clear out, but there’s always the same few things I decide to keep for no reason whatsoever that I only see when I tip out the drawers once a year.

I’m obviously not talking about sentimental items, but keeping something someone bought you just so they’re not offended is pointless. They gifted you something because they wanted you to enjoy it, and if you’re not then you might as well enjoy whatever amount you sell it for.

Closet clutter

I don’t think I know anyone whose wardrobe doors close properly. In fact, I think the companies who make wardrobes need to up their game – it’s impossible to fit a normal person’s amount of clothes in and get the doors closed. Or, that’s what I choose to believe…

Online shopping means we’re buying more new clothes than ever before, and with each new purchase something must go from your day-to-day wardrobe. Apps like Depop are great for getting rid of old clothes and getting something in return. Yes, they charge a small commission on each sale, but you’re still making a bit of money for yourself and your old clothes are getting a whole new lease of life! Win-win.

Be realistic

Let’s get it out there: selling your old things isn’t going to make you a millionaire. You’re not going to be able to retire and buy a house abroad. This is about freeing up space, reducing waste, and making a little bit extra from what you already had.

eBay is great because there’s no limit to the amount that a buyer can pay for an item and you can use this to your advantage. Don’t start your listings with a ridiculously high price; everyone likes a bargain, so always start your listings at least 25% below the price of the cheapest same item available online. That way it’ll attract plenty of attention and the bids will soon rack up.

It also means that buyers will browse all your items and perceive them to be cheap, making them more inclined to bid. It can be a risky strategy, but it often pays off. Remember, what you might lose on one item, you’ll make up for on others.

Save it!

There’s no point in clearing out if you’re going to splurge all the money you make on new clutter – why bother?! You’ll only end up one year later selling all the things you bought with the last lot of sale money; it can be a vicious circle (and I’m speaking from experience…)

Save the money for when you’re going to need it. We always complain about how nice it would be to have a little bit saved, so keep it safe and then when you find something you really want or need, you can feel guilt-free about indulging.

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