
Curiosity is your most employable skill. Here’s why…

Curiosity is becoming a sought-after skill in the recruitment industry, with companies such as Deloitte emphasising its benefits.

Business consultant


Did curiosity really kill the cat?  ?

We live in a society in which curiosity often isn’t encouraged. At school, exams teach us to answer questions, not ask them, and in many organisations you’re expected to fulfil a specific role and keep in line. However, having a curious mind brings with it a whole host of benefits, including making you a better learner and ultimately more employable.

This is something that leading professional services firm  Deloitte  knows well and is actively encouraging in its graduates. Through their ‘For the Curious’ campaign, they’re looking for candidates ready to shake things up, those who will question the status quo and are passionate about expanding their skills. At Deloitte, curiosity makes things happen.

So why is curiosity so important? And how will it benefit your career? Let us explain why curiosity is the number one skill you want to be demonstrating to employers.

Disruption creates innovation

curiosity and thinking outside the box

You might think that most big companies want graduates to fulfil a specific role and get a job done; someone to be a cog in a much larger machine. But, what’s better: a candidate who ticks all the boxes, or a candidate who blows the boxes wide open with fresh ideas for change and innovation?

All of society’s greatest achievements have come from those who haven’t been afraid to disrupt the established norm. Companies are looking for the pioneers of the future, so show them you have the ideas and ambition needed for this.

Assumptions stop growth

Think about how many times a day you make an assumption about something. You look at the way things are being done by coursemates, colleagues or tutors, and assume that this is just the way things have always been. I mean, why rock the boat?

Of course it would be ridiculous and unproductive to question every tiny little thing about the way a company operates, however, if you’re curious about a particular process and think you have ideas for change, don’t be afraid to ask some questions. Companies don’t progress and become world leaders in their field by doing things as they have always been done, so don’t forget the power you have to trigger change, no matter what stage you’re at on your career ladder.

Great teams are made up of individuals

curiosity as a team

The best teams are the ones which incorporate a wide range of personalities from different backgrounds. We learn most from those around us, and can work more effectively by drawing on others’ strengths and personal experiences to supplement our own knowledge gaps.

At Deloitte, they want candidates who have their own way of thinking and tackling problems, to produce creative solutions for their clients’ increasingly complex problems. They’re treading new territory every day, and want people who are up for that challenge and willing to ask questions.

It broadens your worldview

curiosity broadens your world view

Employers are looking for candidates who are switched on about the world around them. They want individuals with their own interests, passions and specialisms. Whether you’re a history geek or passionate about photography, having further interests shows you’re curious about the world around you, and will be adept at understanding other people’s perspectives.

Curious people also learn to question sources. Just because you’re told something, does that make it true? Asking questions makes you sharper and more observant – something every employer is looking for.

The unknown isn’t scary as you think

It’s natural human instinct to be afraid of what we don’t know. We’re most comfortable in situations with a guaranteed outcome. While risks do exist, they shouldn’t put you off embracing new experiences and suggesting new ideas. It’s up to you to assess the risks, prepare for them accordingly, and make that bold move.

Ultimately, even if you don’t receive the results you hope for, as long as you can learn from the experience and use it to inform your future work, the process will have been a success.

It could help accelerate your career

climbing the career ladder with curiosity

Employers like ambitious individuals who are willing to dedicate themselves to a company for a significant period of time. The best way of progressing through your career to roles with more responsibility is by showing a curiosity for the working environment around you.

Offering up your services and demonstrating a willingness to learn is going to impress your boss and make your time at work more rewarding.

Deloitte’s graduate programmes, industrial placements and summer vacation schemes are now live on the Debut app. Click  here  to apply now.

Tune in to Deloitte’s DebutLive on Thursday 14th December to hear about how curious people are driving the future of tech. Plus, you can ask questions live to two Deloitte consultants.  Head to the DebutLive tab on the app to register your place. 

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