Fresher tips 31.07.24 (Updated)

17 finalists and graduates share their ultimate freshers advice

We can't turn back time, but we can give you some real, applicable lessons in living your best life. Enjoy freshers, everybody!

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At some point in our lives, we’ve wished for a way to turn back the clock.

It’s human really, the desire to rewind back the days and relive our best, most memorable moments. Alas, Time Turners do not exist in the Muggle world. So, as we watch this year’s new batch of freshers prepare for the time of their lives, finalists and graduates share their best pieces of freshers advice. Ah, look at that. Just in time for the new term.

1. Friendships shouldn’t be forced

17 finalists and graduates with their ultimate freshers advice

We couldn’t agree more, Christine!

2. Take a deep breath, and face your fears

17 finalists and graduates with their ultimate freshers advice

Hattie adds, “Say hi to that girl you met once in freshers who you thought was cool. Turn up to the class even if you’re petrified of failing. Agree to meet up for drinks even if all you want to do is curl up under the blankets – you’ll regret it the next day when you see the pics on Facebook.”

3. Put your study blinkers on

17 finalists and graduates with their ultimate freshers advice

“You’ve got it down, really. So just chill out,” says YiJiun, a recent graduate.

4. The more choices the better

17 finalists and graduates with their ultimate freshers advice

Bridie suggests, “Join a crazy society, something you won’t get an opportunity to do outside of uni.”

5. Elusive firsts are elusive

17 finalists and graduates with their ultimate freshers advice

Good advice, we reckon.

6. Remember that you’re awesome

17 finalists and graduates with their ultimate freshers advice

“Keep your self-talk as positive and encouraging as you can,” Hiran says. “And on a more serious note, however much JГ¤gerbombs seem like a good idea at the union bar, they are always a mistake.”

7. Mindfulness is key

17 finalists and graduates with their ultimate freshers advice

Sophie feels self-care is important. “You’re bound to get Fresher’s Flu. Make sure that you spend an evening in watching Netflix and catching up with family and friends at home.”

8. Don’t succumb to peer pressure

17 finalists and graduates with their ultimate freshers advice

They really don’t!

9. Embrace your freedom

17 finalists and graduates with their ultimate freshers advice

“Travel, learn things, get a passion project or something,” Anna urges. “Because later in life you’ll only have 20 days of paid holiday a year, and that might not be enough to make your dreams come true.”

10. Halls provide the essentials, trust us

17 finalists and graduates with their ultimate freshers advice

We can attest to this. Kettles and toaster lie in your suitcases, unloved and unused.

11. Beware of kitchen thieves

17 finalists and graduates with their ultimate freshers advice

“At some point it will disappear into that dark murky abyss under the sink and be lost forever,” according to Annmarie. Yikes.

12. Random anonymous phone numbers will be saved on your phone

17 finalists and graduates with their ultimate freshers advice

“Pictures will emerge of you with your arms around people like you were destined to have met them – you won’t even remember what their names are,” says Arthur. Well, you’ll always have, uh, last Friday night.

13. The myth of the everlasting uni friendship is, well, a myth

17 finalists and graduates with their ultimate freshers advice

Daisy adds, “You’re there for a while, and although it will fly by, you also have lots of time to make really meaningful friendships.”

14. Don’t overthink it

17 finalists and graduates with their ultimate freshers advice

“The best things happen when we the take opportunities that come to us.” Sage advice from Abi, we think.

15. Escape your comfort zone

17 finalists and graduates with their ultimate freshers advice

According to Monique, “You’ll meet amazing people and learn something new!”

16. Embrace your uniqueness

17 finalists and graduates with their ultimate freshers advice

Being yourself is a tenet we should always keep in mind.

17. YOUO (You Only Uni Once)

17 finalists and graduates with their ultimate freshers advice

Nadine stresses, “Don’t miss out on opportunities and experiences just because you’re afraid of unemployment. You should join societies and do modules you find interesting – no matter how wacky!”

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