Industry: Cryptocurrency
Headquarters: London
No of employees: 5 (2018)
A start-up founded in 2018, CementDAO is a growing community of people that want see cryptocurrency and financial freedom become mainstream.
In numbers
Phone interviews
Final interviews
Offers made
The CementDAO team includes Venezuelans who have suffered from inflation, cryptographers who want to implement financial privacy, entrepreneurs who want to build real products and bankers who have seen the current financial system from the inside. CementDAO is the only decentralised platform that curates and unifies the best stablecoins to provide risk-protection to stablecoin holders.
The opportunity
As a start-up operating in a niche field, CementDAO 45 doesn’t have easy access to high quality candidates for its roles. Using Debut’s platform, CementDAO is able to efficiently reach relevant candidates. Debut helped outline a bespoke recruitment process and identify the company’s needs and requirements for an Executive Assistant position.
Success metrics
CementDAO targeted final year students and recent 2 graduates with a specific psychometric profile and an interest in finance and tech. In less than two weeks, the company set up their targeting, received 45 video applications from relevant candidates, conducted first and second interviews and made two offers.